Wednesday, March 7, 2012

H's, Week thus Far, Work

The H's:
Heartburn and headaches.  I've come down with both of these!  :)  Everyday for the past 4 days, heartburn settles in around 1:30 pm (like clockwork) - no matter what I eat, how fast/slow I eat... I get it.  YUK.  It's such a TERRIBLE feeling...  I'd rather puke.  ha.  The headaches are still pretty consistent...  still come in the afternoon, but they aren't nearly as bad as they were the last couple weeks.  I've given up on trying to do just water all the time.  I hate the fact that I drank nothing but water while carrying Kayson, and with this baby, I can barely make it 2 days...  so...  I guess I'm just going to go with it.  I have a Dr. Pepper about every other day...  although, I'm on day 3 today!  But whatever!

Week this far:
Ryan is in KS this week... and we've (K & I) have been doing pretty good... it's Wednesday already, which makes me very happy.  Monday evening we stayed in and just played...  Tuesday evening we had an early dinner and then went to the book store (Barnes & Noble).  I love it there... which is funny to say out loud, cuz I'm not a big reader.  K looks at books and asks me to read them to him...  he plays a little with the train set there too.  It's just a nice 45 minutes or so.  Plus we took home about 5 books this time around.  :)  Tonight we'll stay in, and then tomorrow night we have dinner and play time with Colleen, Cali & Mike.  Then it's Friday and Ryan will be home!

Work has been STRESSFUL this week so far.  Or maybe I should just say BUSY.  The days are flying by, which I'm not complaining about at all!  I've just been pressed with some tough questions that require a lot of research and it's racking my brain (this pregnant brain!).  Just this morning by 8:30, I swore I had earned my paycheck for the day! 

Happy Hump Day. 

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