Thursday, May 28, 2020

Work from Home/No School/COVID-19 - Week 8 & 9

I've lost count, but I think this was week 9 of being home...  so I combined 8 and 9, as they are all the same.  Same bad days, same good moments, same bored kids that don't want to do any school work.

We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel tho…  school is done June 2 (or at least that's when I'm done teaching!)  So we are getting closer.  But again, I worry about what the heck the kids are going to do all day. 
Anyway, I do have to say, last week - some of the 'things to do' from school work have been a little more fun.  Kayson had a fun activity of PE type items, so we did that...  I think they both enjoyed doing that. 

We also did some "art" - we bleached shirts.  Olivia joined us, and it was super fun... here are our masterpieces!  Next up, tie dye!

One of the sunny, warm days, the kids got to enjoy Olivia's pool!  They loved it, and I foresee several more days like this and at their pool.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Memorial Day - Sunday

We slept in Sunday, which was needed...  I got groceries, 'watched' church, then we decided to go up to Clarion for the afternoon.  We hadn't been to Clarion (or seen the majority of my family) since Christmas, and it was so time.  Overdue.  I know with Tricia and the COVID stuff, she has always been hesitant with us coming up, which I completely get, but it was time. 

We were able to see almost everyone, so that was great.  Hope and Logan had other plans, which was ok, we've seen them a few times.  But we just went to the farm, and hung out.  It was a pretty good day weather-wise too...  Kayson instantly asked Papa if they could ride the Gator... so off they went.  Just like at Grandma Janis', K loves things like that.  So he would just drive that Gator everywhere, and give rides.  Sweet. 

We grilled for supper, and just enjoyed seeing each other.
Then we were off, visiting Mom, and heading home. 

Memorial Day weekend - Saturday

We took complete advantage of 1) needing to get away from home and 2) Memorial Day weekend, 3 days off.  
Saturday morning we did a farm day at Grandma Janis' again.  We have such a nice time down there...  plenty to do, plenty of relaxing at the same time!  The weather was great - actually pretty warm, and we all got some sun.  Tate, Lanny and Rhett were there as well (staying with Mike & JeanAnn), so the kids got to see them and hang, so that was good... Duke was there too, so Tate and K loved that. There of course were some fighting, but overall - they did really well.  Cora and Landry played inside most of the day, which was great... they did awesome too. 

Ryan and the 'guys' did some major landscaping changes at the farm.  They tore out some huge bushes that had been there forever.  Joni planted a few pretty flowers near the road.  I did nothing... ah.  but it was a good day.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Back at DANCE!

After NINE weeks of being 'home' and 'locked' down...  some things are starting to open back up.  One of these is dance.  

Charlee's has been having ZOOM classes online for about 3 weeks-ish, and that's been going fairly well.  It is hard to try to have the music come through all that internet stuff and have the girls be 'on' when doing this online.  SO...  I'm honestly glad that's over, so now we are back to dance class/studio.

So we are back to Tuesdays and Thursdays... 
Tap/Ballet - Tuesday at 5
Hip Hop - Thursday at 6

Cora got all 'dolled' up for the classes... which was fun to see.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Each week in Cora's class, a student was a "Star Student" and had the opportunity to present their "All About Me" poster and other fun things.  Well, since the Covid-19 pandemic, Cora missed her chance during school.  But today she got to present hers to her class on 'Meet' today. 

She did amazing.  I was super proud of her. 

here are some pics of her items.

Our favorite book

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I need a "Re-do"

Things are slowly getting worse for me.  You would think we would be used to this change, but I'm not.  I'm not happy.  I feel like nothing is going right.  I've lost all patience.  I am exhausted.  

I feel like we have 1 good day compared to 4 really bad days.  

My kids and I don't have very good relationships right now.  We are tired of each other.  We need a break from each other.  We need me to wear ONE hat - the Mom hat.  And I'm struggling to do that. 

I just need a "re-do" day... or 60 plus days!  

I'm feeling sorry for myself, and feeling super down.  
I'm not sure how much more I can pray and cry. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Work from Home/No School/COVID-19 - Week 7

Wow, another week has went by.  I'm starting to think it's like Groundhog Day!!! Over and over and over... all the same!

The kids did 'ok'.  As always, we had up and down days...  but seemed to be the afternoons were a little simpler.  I felt I was able to actually work for a solid 3 hours several day without interruption!  

Love that I made him smile looking straight at the sun.  ha.

Love her sassy pants.

These kids have been riding bikes all over!