Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Cora - Storms & Struggles

I love my kids.  I love Cora - So much it hurts.  
Cora's been the most independent little girl nearly all her little 4 years of life...  until most recently.  We are struggling.  Big time.

This girl literally acts as if she cannot do anything on her own anymore.  She used to sit and play with baby dolls alone for an hour, she used to sit and color for an hour on her own...  a lot of stuff.  

Not anymore.  WTH!?!?

She literally says "Mom" 1,000 times a night.  I'm not kidding.  And I am really only with her from 4:30ish til 8:30.  That's a lot of "MOM'S"!!!! 

Lately, I've lost my patient with her.  I just can't stand to hear "Mom" that much... and specifically when she doesn't really need anything, it's just become a terrible habit for her to say my name.  We've tried really hard over the past week to get her to do more things with Dad.  He's around - so he needs to be doing stuff with her/Kayson.  And he does.  When she lets him.  It's like she IS the boss and has total control over this.  Aaaa!  

Bedtime has become a struggle as well.  About a month ago, we had a loud storm here right at bedtime.  She really got scared and had trouble falling asleep.  I don't blame her - It was super loud on her window.  I get it.  But every night since then - she asks: "Is it going to storm tonight?"  Every.night she asks.  

And last night, she asked - and we said no.  But at 3:30, it stormed loud!!!  Hard rain on her window, lightening and very loud thunder.  She was petrified.  Ugh - 3:30 in the morning!!!!  We got her settled down... and she ended up sleeping in my spot of my bed with Ryan.  Fine.  The rain wasn't hitting our windows at all - could barely even hear it!  But for about 45 minutes, she struggled... but finally fell asleep.  I layed in her bed... listening to the hard rain!  ha.  

Anyway, she's just been a challenge lately.  I get it, she's a little girl... but man, when she used to do so much on her own and just be so happy and barely whiny - and now we have the whiniest little 4 year old around - I lose my shit!  haha. 

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