Monday, September 5, 2016

Cora - Nose Accident

Friday, September 2 - I picked Cora up like normal, and was met at the door by her teacher.  She explained that Cora had an accident - tripped and fell into a table, hitting her nose.  She was given ice, and was still crying.  (The incident happened about 20 minutes prior to me picking her up).  When Cora saw me, she began crying more... and was telling me her nose hurt.  At that moment, her nose did not look bad...  we went on our way, and got Kayson.  During the car ride, she cried a little, then she'd talk, then she'd cry.  From daycare, to Kayson, to home is about 25 minutes...  by the time we got home, her nose was completely swollen.  I began to panic. 

Ryan was home...  we took a look at it as close as we could.  Asked her questions... she cried, the cycle continued.  We decided she needed to be looked at. Our only option was urgent care or the ER.  We chose the urgent care.  

We waited about 40 minutes...  she seemed fine, but seriously her nose just kept getting bigger and bigger.  It was amazing.  Finally we were able to see a doctor - our family doctor to be exact, which was a God send, and huge relief.  Dr. Hembry is great... and was great with Cora - in between her screams.  He had to really look into her nose, which she hated... we pinned her down, and he looked. 

Her nose is not broken.  As a child her age, there are no real bones in there, just a lot of cartilage.  And for Cora - that cartilage is all jumbled up and swollen.  There was no blood in there... just a mess of cartilage (to make it easy for anyone to understand).  Dr. Hembry sent us on our way, telling us to ice it and that we would probably see black eyes on her.  

Here is the progression of her nose so far.  Crappy phone pics, but it does show the swelling and the bruising.  Poor little girl.  On a positive note, she's in good spirits through all of this. 


SATURDAY- swelling.  She doesn't even look like the same girl:

SUNDAY - bruising started on one eye:

 MONDAY - swelling seems to be less, but bruising on both eyes:

More to come.

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