Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter Weather Opinions

What are your opinions regarding Iowa's winter weather? Do you like it? Do you enjoy only parts of it? What do you think about the snow/ice covered roads?

It was 4 years ago... I was driving to work, and knew the roads were slick... I was taking it slow, like I always do. A Jeep Wrangler passed me going too fast and then needed to slow down too quick - he did a little fish-tailing and I proceeded to slam on my brakes. (I know now, not to do that). I did a 360 in the middle of I80 - cars coming at me, even a semi - he veared off to the shoulder... I finally stopped... car is dead and I'm shaking... I get the car started and amazingly drove to the side of the interstate without being hit. God was with me that day. And I will NEVER forget it. I think of that day everytime the winter weather of Iowa hits us. It honestly makes me sick to my stomach!

Ok... so moving on to opinions --- you obviously know my opinion now!!! I hate every second of it when I'm OUT IN IT. I don't complain much (or at least I don't think I do...?), anyway - I hate the feelings I get when the roads are covered and I have to drive in it. I have a car that has horrible tires on it ('bald' as the mechanics say to me), and I get a taste of those bald tires everytime the winter weather arrives in Iowa. I can't get traction... I spin up hills, I actually AVOID hills if I can! (I have an extra long route that I can take to avoid hills). Pathetic huh? I get nervous - not necessarily about ME, more about the idiot drivers around me. I think it's so interesting when I get to work (a normal drive that should take about 17 minutes, takes me nearly 70 minutes) and I hear some people say "Oh - it wasn't that bad..." OMG, I thought it was awful. I also hear "I went 60 mph on open road..." WHAT? I didn't get over 10 mph on the freeway!?!? Is that just me?!? Or are there others out there? When it snows and is icy like this - all I want to do is stay home - stay home WITH my husband and son, so we are all safe. I hate it!!!!

So that's my frustration for tonight... thankfully I can vent a little on my blog and not complain to my husband (cuz I'm sure he won't want to hear it!), and snow blow! haha... I snow blowed most of the driveway tonight before him and Kayson got home... I like doing that... it's a good workout, and I get that damn snow off our driveway. Unfortunately, it's STILL snowing... and doesn't look like I even touched the driveway!

Ok... I'm smiling now (only cuz we are all home and safe!)
and please say an extra prayer for Ryan tomorrow, as he has to travel to South Dakota in this stuff.


  1. Oh my goodness! Don't do that again! Scary!!!!

  2. I'll never forget calling you after we saw that happen Janelle! Thank goodness you already had help or we would have turned around. I think you either need new tires or a good winter vehicle since you have to commute every day. I'm with you and give IA winter/roads a big thumbs down...
