Monday, January 17, 2011

Boo Hoo

I'm feeling a little 'Boo Hooish' today. I'm finding myself tearing up at random things.

  • I just heard from Martina - her, Blair & Tate are on their way home from the hospital. What an amazing feeling... I remember being in her shoes. Scared, excited, nervous, antsy. And for some reason, I'm feeling that way today for them!!! That seems so silly. They will do great. Ryan and I did great. Everyone does great... it's just one of those moments where my tears just fell and fell. I'm so happy for them... and deep DEEP inside, I'm thinking of baby #2. (Don't worry Ryan - I know we aren't ready!) ;)
  • I'm off today from work. Gosh, I shouldn't be blue about that!!! But I'm feeling just a tad alone... Ryan's headed to Kansas for 3 days... and Kayson's at daycare. Maybe I should have kept K home with me.
  • I heard an old song today that I haven't heard in years... cried the second the guy started singing. REALLY??
  • I need a pick-me-up when it comes to my body. Or maybe I just need some sun!?!? I know that always perks me up... but right now, it's cold, windy and sun isn't an option for the Iowa winters.
  • I'm loving my new car - but that involves a car payment. Damn! I wish we had disposible cash!! ;)

That's all I've got for now... I'm already feeling better by writing these things out. It WILL be a good day... and my Boo Hoo's WILL go away!


  1. I can't believe we were thinking a lot of the same things! You have a good day off and it's ok to have these days sometimes! :) Now, your blog made me want to cry! :) hahaha...

  2. Janelle - I hope your spirits have been lifted! You are such a bubblely & upbeat person - the world must have been out of sync yesterday. :) And you have a new set of wheels? AWESOME! You deserve it this winter. What are you driving??
