Friday, November 12, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. What is the most physically painful thing that's ever happened to you?
This is kind of funny to me... simply because I've had a baby (with an epidural), but the labor part BEFORE the epidural --- that would be by far the most painful thing. I had back labor... and that hurt, but the pain I experienced in my 'bottom/crotch' area before the epidural was unbearable. I don't wish that upon anyone and can't imagine pushing my son out WITHOUT the epidural. I can only hope that I can experience the love of epidural again when we have another child. ;)

Another thing that's painful was my sprained ankles I would get in volleyball in HS. Ouch.

2. How much sleep did you get last night?
Not much - and not because of Kayson! YEA! However, I had VB last night at 9:30... getting me home around 10:45... and then giving me at least 45 minutes to "wind-down"... I think I finally fell asleep around midnight - so about 6 hours last night. Yawn.

3. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
I have no idea. Pathetic huh?! Um... let me think really hard here... ... ... yeah, I got nothing. I know we've been to one, but I just can't remember... it's been TOO long! We have a couple movies sitting at home that I'd love to watch, but we just don't!

4. What do you wear to bed?
Wow that's personal... what if I told you I wore a nighty every night?? That would obviously be a lie. ;) I wear shorts and a t-shirt every night. I go comfy.

5. Do you return your shopping cart to the corral or leave it wherever in the parking lot?
I return it to the corral.

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