Saturday, October 16, 2010


Great weekend thus far.

Friday evening we decided to enjoy a High School football game. Ryan's brother, Blair, coaches middle school football in West Marshall... and he also helps with the high school games... we've gone to watch them in the past, but didn't go last year... We really enjoyed it, and Kayson did too.

Today has been a full day of this and that. I decided that I was finally going to paint our laundry room... I started when Kayson went down for his nap (which ended up being only an hour and a half!!), but continued throughout the rest of the afternoon, and finally wrapped it up tonight. I will do some touchups tomorrow... I'm really pleased with it...

Kayson and Daddy played HARD while I was painting... and I would take breaks too, and we all would play hard. With the short nap, he did get pretty crabby late this afternoon... so bedtime came a little early for him.

It's nice having Ryan home... he laughed and laughed with Kayson today and that was so nice... and Kayson showed Dadda how much he talks!! Each day words get clearer and clearer and Ryan was able to really see that today.

Side note:

Blair & Martina gave Kayson this shirt. Perfect for when Kayson meets Baby Taylor for the first time. ;)

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