Friday, October 15, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Well... first, I'm not a HUGE candy fan. I'll eat it, for something different - for something sweet, but just not often. I'm also not a fan of chocolate. However, if you have a Kit-Kat to offer me, I would eat that. I know, weird... there must be enough of that 'crunch' in there, that it passes over the chocolate. Either way, if I eat candy, it makes me unbearable thirsty for more water!

2. Do you fold your socks?
Yes, I do... roll them together.

3. What is something you wish you would have been warned about?
Now that I'm older, I never really realized how easy I had it when I was a kid/teenager... I had no worries back then, I thought I was invincible! Just like every other kid these days... growing up was/is hard still...

4. Where do you like to go to relax?
My quiet time includes watching some of my shows that I've DVRd. I typically watch these late at night - in bed when it's quiet. That's my time.

5. What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
Maternal - now. I've always loved kids, but never quite imagined how it would really affect me and change me... and now that I'm a mom - I love it. I love the challenges and the fun.
Funny - Some of my closest friends would say I'm funny. I don't tell jokes, I just sometimes have funny stories to tell... and I guess they think that's fun and funny. ;)
Friendly - I want friends, I want to know people, I want to learn from people - so I'm friendly in general. (or at least I hope people think that!)

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