Thursday, March 16, 2017

Solo Mom week

Is it Friday yet?

Ryan is in KS somewhere... a long ways away...  and a long ways away from helping my kids listen.  :)
It's been a long week, not going to lie.  The kids have pushed my buttons at certain, special times.  Each having a moment where things have flown off the handle... and then we've had some sweet moments.  (Few, far and between).


  • Cora's drop offs at school are painful.  She acts so sweet and when she walks into the door at school, she acts like she runs the place.  No lie.  When we hang her coat and bag, we go into her room... and then that's when the million hugs start and her not wanting me to leave.  (Today was better...), but Tuesday and Wednesday was a sight you didn't want to see.  The throwing herself to the ground, screaming like a 1 year old.  UGH.  I was less than thrilled to begin my day this way. 

  • This morning --- 30 degrees out by the way --- Kayson decided that he wasn't going to wear his coat.  Really?  When was it that HE got to make that decision?  Never.  :)  So we had a meltdown this morning before even leaving the house...  I mean, big crocodile tears from him.  As much as that breaks my heart, it also just makes me so mad that he would think that's ok. 

  • Cora threw a fit at bedtime Monday night, I believe...  we had a fairly quiet evening.  We played, they got to watch a zillion shows (I'm exaggerating)... and then we do baths.  It's not like we've never done this routine before right?!    She threw a ginormous fit for the bath... and even bigger one at bedtime.  These are the times when Kayson becomes all sweet and innocent -- and literally does EVERYTHING I ask of him, with no hesitation.  ha.  He's like - "Crap, I better behave or Mom will scream at me that way!!"

  • This morning after dropping K off, Cora and I were heading to her school -- and we saw the most beautiful sun rise - awesome orange sun with amazing reflections on the clouds.  Cora noticed it right away... and proceeded to ask "Did Grandma make that sun this morning?"  Oh honey, yes she did.  My heart just ached.  See - she can be sweet.  

So, we've had our moments.  I'm still fighting this chest/cough thing, and the antibiotic makes me feel icky, so I'm literally taking the pill only one time a day (and at night when I go to bed), in hopes that it won't make my tummy feel weird.  Success so far.   I'm over it... I'm over being overwhelmed... and over being a nervous solo Mom.  

Let's get Friday afternoon here NOW. 

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