Thursday, March 9, 2017


Kayson is growing up, obviously.  All kids do.  He's changed a lot over the past 6 months I think. Even in pictures - he's just growing...  starting to see less of a little boy face - and seeing more of a 'kid' face.  I feel like his eyes are changing - like the way he looks through them and the things he's interested in, which amazes me. 
  • Kayson loves electronics (again, probably like all other kids).  He's got the PS4 now, which is adores.  He'll go to the basement (all alone now!), get himself all comfy in his HUGE beanbag chair, and not move for hours.  No lie.  He specifically likes the basketball game... farming simulator, and football.  He's got other games too... spoiled. 
  • He also enjoys the iPad, however, I don't feel as comfortable with him on that as I used to.  He now browses YouTube, which can be very scary.  I feel like I always have to check on him... check on what he's watching, etc.  Which I should, I'm the parent.  If we told him he could be on his iPad or play the PS4 anytime he wanted - we would be the best parents in the world.  :)
  • For school, Kayson needs to read at least 300 minutes a month.  So really - that's about 11 minutes a day, on average.  Not a big deal - and he SO can do that.  Well, Kayson gives us the 'attitude and groaning' when we say it's time to read.  We typically give him a couple days off a week, which is fine - he can easily read 20-30 minutes to catch up.  But he fights us.  There is ALWAYS a complaint when it's time to read...  
  • Him and his sister love each other... however, they also can hate each other.  They can play so well together, but then also fight and pick on each other too!!  The other night they played hide-and-seek for like 30 minutes with no issues.  But they can have some terrible moments with each other.  I know - completely normal for siblings, but I don't have to like it.  I want them to be buddies and love each other (all the time!)
  • When K has alone time with either myself or Ryan... he's a good kid.  Always talking, always questioning things, always wanting to sing to songs in the cars, always seems happy.  I really enjoy one on one time with him.  He shows his caring side and that 'people-pleaser' side to him too. 
  • He gives the best hugs.  Seriously.  (so does Cora...)... but K gives good hugs for a boy.  Every day when I drop him off at BTB, he always leans in, then gives a big squeeze.  
    • He's not however, the best at saying "I love you" back.  Which disappoints me.  Sometimes his response is "ok".  UM NO!!!  He'll reluctantly say it back eventually...  I'd like to get him to be better at that.  
  • The 8 year old in him has a hard time saying "Sorry".  I know this is normal, kid stuff...  but I really want to teach him that it's not a bad thing to say your sorry for something.  We asked him to apologize to his BTB supervisor for something he did the other day, and he really struggled to say he was sorry - and WHY he was sorry.  I know this isn't easy (even as adults sometimes)...  but I really really want to help him (and Cora) with that.  
  • Overall, I feel he's a good kid.  I love his goofy, jack-o-lantern smile (missing teeth!)  I love how he sleeps - all snuggled in and sweet.

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