Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cora update - Virus???

Well, here is an update on Miss Cora for the last couple days... 

Sunday (as I wrote earlier) - Cora got sick shortly after eating supper Sunday evening.  Then shortly after that, she perked up... wanted a snack... and slept great.

Monday morning however, she woke with a temp and had the pale/ghostly look and said her tummy hurt. 

Monday morning she rested about an hour... then I made her 'play' in her room.  That consisted of coloring, dry erase board, reading books and playing dolls.  She did all of this with no fight - did really well, seemed perky and was good.  

About 10:30 she wanted a snack...  which she kept down just fine, no fever, acting fine.   I think there was about 20 minutes of time where she danced and did some tumbling moves!!!

She ate a little small lunch... then she took a 1.5 hour rest.  Then shortly after she woke, she was warm - temp of 100.  But again, seemingly fine...  played, colored, wanted to go outside (it was a beautiful 1st day of Spring day).  Her temp was normal around 5:30 pm.

Then her fever spiked again around 8:00 pm to 101.  (I get nervous at that point)  We got bath taken...  again, this whole time, she's seemed fine actually.  She went to bed really well and slept all night long.  I checked on her around 10:30 and her temp was still 101 (which again, ball of nerves from Momma!), I woke her and gave her some more meds.  

Tuesday morning she woke with a temp of 102!!!!!  

Within an hour, it was down to about 100...  then hovered at 100 til about 8:30 am.  Then around 10:00 Tuesday morning, it was finally 98.8.  

This whole time has been weird...  just the fact that she seems fine.  She did seem fairly tired this morning, she didn't eat lunch (just a yogurt around 11:00) and then she rested.  She did wake with a temp again tho (of 101 again)...   We just need to keep the fever down... and stay down!!

SO... self diagnosis of a virus?!?!   I've talked to my sister 1,000 times through this, and she seems to think that.  I called our doc too, and the nurse called back - saying we are doing all the 'right' things at this point (same as Trish said).  There are some viral illnesses going around...  but if we can't get her fever to break and stay down by Wednesday afternoon (so 72 hours), we'll need to take her in to get evaluated.   Cora is not complaining of anything else hurting (like an ear infection or sore throat), so I guess I feel it's just a stupid little bug in her that's pestering up a fever.  :/

In the middle of the night (around 3:30 am), she woke seemed fine, so I checked her temp - it was 101.8, gave her meds... then as of this morning (Wednesday) - her temp was normal!!  So she's at school right now.  And I pray that she has a good day, and her temp stays normal especially after nap.  It seems to rise the worst after she sleeps for awhile... 

Such a huge bummer for this little girl... and me.  I hate missing work for illnesses...  even tho I have/need to use my personal time.  But this has not been fun!!!  A true test on my nerves and worries!!

We braided her hair - she loves it...  and she's in her Halloween costume, she was
going to dance.  This was Monday afternoon.  

Everything we have been trying.
Kayson has a cough still too.  ugh.

Movie watching and drinking water.

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