Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cora - Virus Influenza B

Well... more on the Cora illness. 
We sent her to daycare this morning, cuz her temp was 98 when she woke.  She had a good morning, then she took a rest at daycare, and woke with a temp of 102.5.  POOR THING.  My heart sank when Ryan called to tell me.  Gosh darn it.  

Ryan left work and got her ... we were able to get her into a doctor right away, which was good.  They tested her for strep throat and flu.  Negative on strep throat, positive for influenza b.  There are definite pros and cons to this... 
  • CONS - no meds to be given.  We just wait this out.  Which is super frustrating.  We'll continue to alternate the Motrin and Tylenol for comfort and to keep her fever down, or attempt to.  
  • PROS - she doesn't have influenza a.  She has the lesser of the two evils.  (But I don't really see this as a pro).  :(
I'm super bummed... super disappointed... super worried.  Bummed that this happened to her - she's been such a trooper through this.   Disappointed that the essential oils didn't keep this virus away.  (I know that really can't happen, some of the oils are to help build immunity), but regardless, disappointed.  Worried - well, that's just what I do.  My heart aches - I'm a ball of nerves. 

I think what's so frustrating about this whole thing is that she has no other symptoms besides the pesky fever that is haunting us.  (However, now tonight she was stuffed up/snotty nose).  UGH.  She sincerely has energy (she does get tired about 4 hours later), but she's playing, she's interested in doing normal stuff, using her imagination.  Man...  this sucks. 

So, next steps...  Ryan is going to stay home with her tomorrow.  Keep fluids in her, keep her snacking at least, and keep meds in her.  And wait.   I'll probably stay home with her Friday.  

And then lots more praying that no one else gets this frustrating virus. 

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