Sunday, December 15, 2013


Cora made Saturday morning early... I think she started causing 'problems' with our sleep around 4:45.  Ugh.  For the next couple hours, she was awake off and on...  such a bummer.   It sure makes for a long day... for us all!  :)
Anyway, we hung around the house during the day... and it was great!  I don't think I got much accomplished, but it was a good day to just stay in.  Kayson and Ryan did an errand, but Lil Miss and I stayed put... until evening.  I wanted to get more Christmas stuff done...  wrapping, but I didn't touch it.  I guess I'll just wait til the last minute.  ha.  I'm just not really in the mood!  That whole hustle and bustle thing is catching up with me...  and it's not even exciting.  I sure hope I get out of that soon...  K's birthday is really what's important right now.  Poor kid. 

Saturday evening we got out and went to Ankeny for a surprise birthday gathering for Blair.  Martina planned for some friends and family to get together for Blair's 30th birthday.  I'm getting the impression that he had an idea about it, but I think either way - he had a great turnout and we all had fun.  The kids ran and ran in the little room for over 2 hours...  so they were worn out.  It was fun. 

Cora was up early again...  man oh man.  That gets old.  :)  Since we were up... I got ready and Cora and I ran to WalMart to get groceries and a few other things.  We had a quick lunch out... and we have realized that Cora is a pain to take out!  She's so at that age... or just our kid!  She doesn't like the high chair... won't eat a darn thing... and just isn't all that happy out in public.  Even at WalMart, she hates being in the cart.  I thought it would be good for her to get out, look around, etc...  ha.  More work than it's worth.  I know Kayson did the same stuff...  but I'm ready for it to be over!  :)

Anyway, I kept busy this afternoon...  K had his last swim lesson.  He has done so well, I'm so proud of him.  He still has a lot to learn and get more comfortable with, but he's doing it - he's not completely freaked out by water - and he wants to go!  I am thrilled.  So we'll be signing him up for the next round in January, I think.  While the kids napped, I did some cleaning and organizing.   It was a nice afternoon and evening...  

Ryan has to travel this week... huge bummer.  All I'm hoping for is a quick week... my kids will eat... and sleep!  :) 

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