Sunday, March 10, 2013

Home, Fun & Still Tired

We've had a pretty good weekend...  despite the fact that Cora won't sleep.  I'll get to that later.

We just hung out here all weekend, which was nice.  
Saturday, Ryan had a work meeting, so the kids and I went to Lacey's to visit and play.  Corbin was going to be gone, but Kayson played with Kipton and two other little kids that came over.  They did pretty darn good, which was great.  Cora and Laityn played, as much as they could...  mostly Laityn stared at Cora the entire time.  Hilarious. 

Saturday afternoon was naps and just cleaning, laundry and a little organizing.  I'm attempting to go through Cora's clothes. Saturday evening, Ryan's cousin was getting an award through the Iowa High School Athletic Association... so Ryan, Kayson and Ryan's parents went to that.  Cora and I stayed home...  got groceries and just hung out.  It was a wake up call on how much easier it is to have just one kid at a time!  ha.  Even when Cora is pretty darn needy.

Speaking of being needy...  this little girl definitely is still fighting the cough... and I am pretty sure she has an ear infection.  She just won't sleep at night.  Friday night, I believe I was up with her about 5 times...  Saturday night - a whopping 8 times from 12:30 til 6:00.  I counted... and if you do the math, that leaves her awake about every 40 minutes... and I was not thrilled.  ha.  She's just super restless... and this afternoon, I noticed her rubbing at her left ear.  We go tomorrow for her 6 months shots, so I hope a doctor can look at her ears. 

Anyway, besides not sleeping... and still being super tired, we did have a nice weekend at home.  Kayson was pretty darn fun, still whiney, but good. And Cora is getting a pretty good personality too... and she's figuring out how toys work, etc.  It's fun to watch her. 

Here are a few pictures...  
When your kid has 2 blowouts at daycare and you only have 1 change of clothes, your kid gets to wear "Koalaty Time" clothes with a big "KT" on the back.  She seriously looked like a ragamuffin!
She doesn't like headbands.  :)
On her knees!!  Scooting backwards!
Obnoxious little boy!!
Daddy & Kayson figuring out "Angry Birds"

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