Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekend ended up Good

Our Friday afternoon was not fun for Kayson... I took him to the doctor to have his ears checked and his throat.  Throat culture was done (which is TERRIBLE for a 4 year old - and an adult!)...  positive for Strep.  And his right ear was infected... however the doctor said it wasn't nearly as red as he thought it would be.  His guess was Kayson thought it was more sore due to his sore throat. I asked the doc about K throwing up the night before... he said that's a sign of Strep, ones tummy just gets upset from all the junk and icky stuff, that it makes your body want to throw it up.  YUK.  But totally makes sense.

We headed home.  I instantly started cleaning...  even though I did a bunch on Thursday too.  The cleaning went into Saturday morning too.  Floors were scrubbed, counters were scrubbed twice, door handles were disinfected, bedding was cleaned...  what else?  I think I touched everything. I hope!  We had made plans (about a month ago) to spend the day with Blair, Martina & Tate.  Mart and I had kept in touch through the past couple days...  and I had checked with the doc about seeing family, he said as long as Kayson was on the antibiotic, then we'd be ok.  I told him I'd clean like crazy too - he smiled.  :)  They came for their visit, and I'm so glad they did.  I really enjoyed myself.  Martina and I hit up Carter's (which could be DANGEROUS!!!, oh but fun!)  We pretty much just hung out at the house.  It seems like we don't just see them very often... and it was nice.  I'm glad it worked out.

Today has been a lazy day...  laundry, grocery shopping...  that's it.  I have a terrible kink in my neck, so I'm try to do lots of stretching it out and putting heat on it.  Eeehhh... not feeling better.  I'll be calling the chiropractor tomorrow.  I've been out of whack a lot over the past couple weeks. 

Kayson is doing better...  he's attitude and whining is back, so he's feeling better for sure!!  Cora is doing well too.  She seems to be really changing...  enjoying more toys and trying new things.  She's definitely a Momma's girl.  I walk in the room and she INSTANTLY cries and wants me.  OOps.  I remember Kayson going through that stage, but I don't remember the reaction she's giving!  Oh well, I guess that's the nature of a Mommy and a baby.  We'll get through it. 

I hope everyone else had a good weekend!

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