Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We have a Spitter

Yep, that's right. We have a spitter on our hands.  This has been going on for about a month now, but has seemed to get worse over the past week or so.  The attitude is coming out even more too.  We definitely have a 2+ year old little boy. 

I spoke with Kayson's daycare teacher this morning to get a better idea if this is happening at daycare.  Her response was, "Yep - he starts the spitting."  Wonderful.  He likes the attention and when he spits, he gets the attention from the teachers AND the kids... the kids laugh, so Kayson thinks that's fun.  Oh man, this is tough.  My heart is aching right now...  makes me so sad that our 'perfect' son is acting out and pushing buttons for us and his teachers. 

I received some suggestions from the teacher this morning...  just a better idea of what they are doing at daycare and what we can do at home.  All of the things she suggested is stuff that I know to do, but I'm realizing it's much harder when it's your own kid...  I see this stuff on TV and think "what a rotten kid" --- well obviously, Kayson is not rotten...  he's just 2 and he's testing us, he's using his imagination and he's learning what works to get attention. 

I'm sad today...  we've had some rough evenings at home over the past week and this just hits the top of the list and makes me sad, confused, heart-broken...  but also more motivated to try anything to make this better for all of us.

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