Friday, April 15, 2011

Five Question Friday

1.  What is your favorite sign of spring?
Um...  the birds singing actually.  That seems so weird to me, cuz I don't really like birds (they kind of freak me out - swooping, pooping...  ahah), but when I hear them in the morning, it's kind of nice... plus Kayson hears them and mimicks their 'tweets', so I guess that's pretty sweet.  I also just like the fact that you see more people out and about getting fresh air.

2.  What was your best birthday ever?
When Ryan surprised me with a night out with friends (it was my 30th birthday).  He got all my/our friends (and family) together for pizza, beer and bowling... it was great.  He put a lot of effort into the planning, and I loved it!

3.  What is your favorite dessert?
Ice cream...  or a good, soft sugar cookie... 

4.  What is the best excuse you've ever used to get out of ticket?
I've never used an excuse.  I've been picked up a couple times in my life and if the cop is going to give me a ticket, he's going to give it to me...  no need in fighting it!   (But I prefer the warnings - like the recent one I had!)

5.  Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm, or after hitting snooze several times?
Ryan could answer this one.  ha.  I hit the snooze SEVERAL times...  it's awful, I know it, but I really can't get out of bed!!! 

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