Friday, April 8, 2011

Ears again

Kayson has another ear infection.  I've lost track of how many we are on. 

Thursday morning - early - say 12:05 am.  I wake to him crying...  I pat him and tell him it's ok and he drifts back off.  12:10 am, he's fussing again...  this time when I went to his room, he's now crying hard and really rubbing at his right ear.  I pick him up...  first thing out of his mouth - "Ear hurts Momma".  Enter - HEART BREAKING MOMENT.  We rocked for a minute... and he literally rubbed at his ear about every 10 seconds.  He would rub it so hard either with his fist or on my arm/chest...  I knew instantly it was an infection.  We did the drops, but knowing those really don't work simply because his ears are clogged - the tubes aren't even doing their job now.  (We found this out at our last ear check up appointment about 3 weeks ago).  So basically - a clogged ear is pretty much like not having tubes at all.  Needless to say, the drops didn't help at all.  I gave him some motrin and that seemed to 'dull' the being awake for nearly 3 hours!  Poor guy. 

Ryan took him in yesterday morning to the ENT.  We got some meds.  We go back in a couple weeks for another check up.  In my opinion (and in my frustration), I think we should remove the tubes that are in there, get his ears 'cleaned out' (if possible), and insert new tubes.  Again, just my opinion!  What do I know!!  ha.  I just want him to be happy and not in pain.  This is like a vicious circle - happening about every 4 to 6 weeks. 

Here's to the weekend.  I'm ready for it. 
(No Five Question Friday today) - Sorry!

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