Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nice, Long Thursday

I used PTO today.  About 2 weeks ago, Kayson originally had an ear appointment in the morning, then I had a hair appointment in the afternoon.  My thought was - "there's no reason to go into work for just a short time... I'll take the day off."  And I did.  Even tho, I rescheduled Kayson's ear appointment, I still spent some time with him this morning.  

He slept in for me - 7:40...  I was thrilled!  Then I took him into daycare to participate in JumpBunch around 9:00.  I stayed with him to watch...  he does SO well.  He was a little timid at first, pretty much because I was there...  but soon after, he warmed up and started doing all the fun activities.  Coach Kirby & Coach Rachel are great - I was very impressed with them... and in Kayson too.  He listens well, and does the activities.  Our little boy is so smart.  (I got the luxury of participating as well -- tossing chickens into the bucket, doing the obstacle course & dancing around!)

Following JumpBunch, I took K downtown to my work.  I know, I ended up driving downtown anyway, but that's ok!  I wanted to my work friends to see him...  and we had a great time.  He did great there too, and really started to warm up at the end of the visit by running in the halls.  Yes, wonderful.  ha.  He did great - talking to my friends and giving them high-fives.  

Then finally, I took him back to daycare where he spent the rest of the day.  I met Lacey for lunch (since I was her first client for the day), then went to the salon to get me dolled up.  I'm a little blonder, and just a trim of the hair.  I'm liking the length of my hair right now...  it's really, really close to being able to get a 'stub' for a pony-tail.  ha.  

I picked up Kayson, then met Martina & Tate (and Ryan - he got to come home tonight), at home.  I took some 3 month pictures of Tater Bean, then we just hung out. 

It's been a nice day...  I packed stuff in, like I always do on my days off, but that's ok.  It was all worth it.  One more day of the week, then off to Clarion Saturday morning. 

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