Sunday, April 17, 2011

Firetrucks & Egg Hunt

We had one busy two days.  We headed to Creston Saturday morning...  with a full day ahead of us - Kayson was going to see the Creston Firetrucks!  And boy, was he excited...  until we pulled in and we hear "I don't like firetrucks!"  Oh this little boy!  He eventually warmed up to the fire station and the men giving the 'tour'.  He did really well... and got to see so much of the firetrucks.  Personally, I think the big boys (Ryan and Blair) liked the tour WAY better than Kayson!  It was great, very interesting...  big thanks to the Creston firemen, and Papa Mike for getting us 'in' to the station.  What a very nice treat for Kayson (and Tate).    

Today, we celebrated our Easter 'get together' with the Taylor's.  We had a great lunch and hung out a bit...  Kayson soon became tired and doing the 'not listening' thing...  he wanted to be outside as much as possible and it was so chilly!!  We did a quick Easter egg hunt and then Papa Mike spent over an hour outside with him... keeping him busy and as warm as possible.  Again, thanks Papa!  We headed home this afternoon, Kayson was asleep before we were out of town!  Tonight we've just been doing our normal Sunday stuff...  depressing that the weekend is over already.  Enjoy the pictures attached.  There are more on his Picasa Web albums.

Touching the firetruck stuff!

Tate slept thru the 'tour'!!  Here they are sitting on one of the very old trucks.

Saying Thank You to the Fireman.  (Big Thanks!)
Junior Fireman hat and all!

By the way, really frustrated on how blogspot is uploading images and setting things now...  fellow bloggers - any hints for me!?!

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