Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mowing in the Mist

Crappy shoes on... and his old Hawkeye hat... Kayson knew exactly what Dadda was going to do this morning. "Mow Mow"... over and over again. Kayson and I played outside and watched Dadda mow the yard... in the rain... mist kind of. I guess that's better than the heat! Kayson and I had fun... following Dadda and sitting in our chair and taking pictures. I got some smiles out of him! That's been hard to do lately!

Blowing kisses to Dadda.

Laughin! Likes to see his picture on the camera... good way to get him to smile!

Concentrating... he's gonna Mow Mow!

and there he goes... he pushes it. Strong little boy!!

My boys hard at work... notice the gloomyness - it was sprinkling at this point!

1 comment:

  1. haha! So Cute! I love the squished ear in the second picture!! What will I do when Wednesday comes? Go to school is guess...ICK!
