Wednesday, August 25, 2010

20 Months

Kayson is 20 months old today... that means 4 more months til Christmas and his birthday. 4 months!!!! YIKES! To top off those two emotions, I'm sad today... Ryan's been gone since Sunday (his second week out) and it's caught up to me today. I have to think to myself that things could be much worse, I'm very lucky, so I just need to get out of this funk!

SO 4 months til Christmas/Birthday - I'm not going to lie, that gives me an awful feeling in my gut, give me high anxiety and worry (I get that from my Dad). A lot of thoughts race through my mind when it comes to the holidays and now throwing in Kayson's birthday with Christmas Day. I know there will be so much to do like find time to have a "special" moment just for Kayson on his birthday (and continue that for years to come), to find time to shop (we will have to run into a money tree between now and then!) and try to start our own family holiday traditions... that one in itself will be a challenge. Both of our families are so close-knit and I feel will be truly upset if we do attempt our own traditions on Christmas Day/Birthday. I feel it's much harder for us because we don't live in the same town as our families... Actually our families are on complete different sides of the state (even harder!) I grew up opening Santa's gifts in my pajamas on Christmas morning at my house - I'd love for Kayson to have that!! In the long run, as long as Kayson is happy, that's what's important.

Anyway, lots of emotions today - my baby isn't really a baby anymore and soon the holidays and his 2nd birthday will be here! (That's a poke to all you others out there - it'll be here before we know it!!) ;) Get ready!

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