Friday, September 18, 2009

Tired & Emotional

What a mix (tired & emotional). Yesterday I sat at the 'Get Motivated' seminar that was in town... a great day of great speakers, I had a great time. Lots of sitting, which was probably one of the reasons I'm sleepy today... another couple reasons are: volleyball again last night (my legs just plain ache!) and Ryan's cough. It's back and more annoying then ever! He's going to the doctor today! Sleeping (or attempting to sleep) on the couch isn't really a 'good sleep' for me. Hopefully tonight will be better!

And the emotions... This is a question to you first time parents out there: Do you ever feel that your son/daughter is not at the stage where they 'should' be? (According to books, others opinions, etc.) I know, I know - every child is different, I remind myself of that every day. When I dropped Kayson off at daycare this morning, all 8 kids' birthdays are posted on the wall... Kayson is the oldest by about 5 weeks, and he's by far the least mobile child! Again, I KNOW that he's a very laid back child and moving/rolling/crawling just isn't something he's really in to right now, I KNOW this, but it's still hard to soak in somedays, and I guess today is one of those days! I'm hoping other first time parents go through these feelings and thoughts... I'm sure I'll eat my words soon, and he'll be all over the place, but for right now, this day, I 'think'. Could this be cuz I'm so tired too!??! ha.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. Presley still has no teeth and still doesn't say words..baba, dada...only grunts. I know all this will change and Kayson will probably take off walking in the next couple months! I was reading on the other day and there are babies that are doing WAY more than Presley, but there were babies that weren't doing as much! It is hard and I'm sure it is going to be a constant struggle for us as they grow! :)
