Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Paci & Engagement

When Kayson was born, and the first time we used a pacifier, I always said "I hope he doesn't get too attached to that thing!" Well, he did - we used it for naps, fussy times, bedtime, etc... We did get out of using it at bedtime, which I thought was a huge step! Then last week, I was told by Alisha (teacher at daycare), that Kayson did so well without his paci. I thought - AWESOME, and I didn't think twice to even ask any questions. She continued every day to tell me that he did really well without the paci, and we moved on. Well, last Friday I picked him up and the paci subject came up again - she told me that he didn't even have a paci at daycare!! OMG! I didn't have one in the bag?? or in his cubby?? hahah... I laughed... then realized, "Well, that's the way to get him to not take the paci! Leave it to daycare to handle!!" Over the weekend (through his illness), we WANTED him to take the paci at certain times, and he wouldn't. We believe he's officially broken of the paci!

Another thing to note - Ryan reminded me that 3 years ago he proposed to me, and "his life changed forever" - his words. :) And today is my Dad's birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!!! I had to break Madeline all by my lonesome and it was a task at hand! One week of TORTURE! Ha! It's so worth it now. I actually think it was harder for me to accept, than it was for her. She gave it up around 15 months when she was "too" attached! Also, with the bedtime milk....Madeline quit drinking milk all together about 1 month ago. One day she didn't want it anymore. Every since she was born, she always had that bedtime milk and no longer. Her diaper is less full that's for sure! :) The doctor told us to push yogurt and cottage cheese.
