Thursday, May 21, 2009

Past week... or so.

Well, it's been about a week since I posted something... no real excuse, except the fact that the days just fly by!!! Before I know it, it's 8:15 (bedtime for Kayson), then following that - I try to get some things done around the house - or lately, been watching all of my season finales that I've DVRd. Wowza - they are addicting!! Desperate Housewives, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill - are MY shows! I'm sad that they are off for the summer - now what will I watch!??! I suppose that will get all of us outside more, which will be nice!

Anywho - things have been good here. Ryan is on vacation this week - needed to take some of his personal time. He's done some things around the house, and yesterday he helped scrap his Great-Grandmothers shed (prepping it for a fresh coat of paint this weekend). Good deed that he did - and he even got some sun on his farmers tan! :)

Kayson is great - however, over the past week or so, he's been deciding to wake up in the middle of the night... struggling to fall back to sleep. I've said this before - getting up in the middle of the night is for the BIRDS! Not for me, not for Ryan! ha. I'm wondering if he is going through a growth spurt, or cutting teeth, or is just plain hungry?? We've bumped his feedings to about every 4 hours, now that we are doing cereal, so I sometimes wonder if he's just getting use to not having that extra 6 or 7 oz of milk? I don't know!! We'll see what happens tonight - some nights we don't hear a peep, then next night he's up... it's just off and on. Either way - he's still wonderful... growing and just overall a happy baby. We still haven't figured out how to truly roll over (without our help of flipping that chubby leg over!)... he'd much rather just sit up. He really has started working on that - last night, we were in the sit position for at least 10 seconds! Big boy! I'll keep you posted on all of his 'next steps'.

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