Sunday, April 30, 2017


It's been a super rainy, cold weekend.  I mean - literally has rained ALL WEEKEND.  Kinda stinks!

Kayson was supposed to have baseball Friday night - no go.  So we grabbed supper out at the OP and headed back home.  Quiet night. 

We kept fairly busy all day Saturday...  this and that.  Ryan went to work for a bit.  I cleaned like crazy - bathrooms, kitchen (top to bottom), dusted... all those main things.  I even got some help from Cora.  We then went out to do an errand at the Learning Post.  Kayson (and all his friends), are going through the new fad of 'fidget spinners'.  Holy moly!  Kayson was pumped to get TWO - but he paid for them with his own money!  (Nice job Mom and Dad)! ha. 

Trish, Greg, Hope and Logan were in town, so we met them for lunch.  Good visit with them.  Then back home for more this and that.   Cora took a rest, I got groceries, a little more cleaning... 

Around 5:00, we took K to Carter's for the sleepover (see below post!), then Cora, Ryan and I went out to the mall for awhile.  Ryan needed a few new things for summer, we let Cora play a little, then we grabbed some ice cream.  It was a nice couple hours with just little miss.  

Home and bed...  but was super weird not having Kayson at home.  :(

Church... plus a yummy lunch provided. 

This afternoon I went over to a friends house for a meal-prepping hour (2 hours actually).  So I was invited to this last week - it's a freezer meal prep.  I got to choose a 'kind', which I chose the crockpot option, bought the groceries, and then this 'company' provides the spices, etc.  We met for a couple hours at a house and just prepped the meals.  It's pretty cool!  A lot of work - and just hope I didn't mess anything up, but it was fun.  I'm anxious to try them...  knowing Ryan and I will like them, but the kiddos probably won't.  ha. 

Anyway, meanwhile at home --- Cora AND Kayson rested.  Lucky Dad.  I'm glad K took a rest - he needed it.  

Tonight we are just snuggled in.  More rain, and just cold out.  

My little fairy cleaning lady.  :)

Church friends with their fidget spinners!

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