Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kayson - Tired and Attitude

People are telling me to expect the attitude from Kayson... it's going to start.  I tried to ignore it.  He's always wanted "his way", he's a kid.  I feel like we are pretty realistic, and not dumb... however, the attitude has arrived.  Unfortunately, I think the attitude is stemming from Kayson being so damn tired.  

We are two full days into school...  I get it, it's different, it's a change, he has to learn a different way.  I get it.  But when we get home and literally things go down hill instantly...  I can't really handle it.  I've had a hard day, I'm tired too.  Life is just not fair!!!!  (Now I sound like a 7 year old!)  

Man, things have been hard this week.  Ryan is gone, and it's just messing with our routine.  I feel bad for the kids - they are probably sick of me.  

What is amazing to me is I know things are different now...  but Kayson also had a super busy summer.  I can't imagine what stay-home kiddos are like this week!!!!  He went to school, so that's not different.  He played  His mind worked, but maybe not as hard as it will now...  I just feel like it's NOT THAT different, but it is.  And he's struggling.  He's been going to bed at 8:00, and asleep within minutes...  and is happy (still tired), but happy in the morning.  Thank god for that (he's like his Dad in that aspect).   I can't stop praying for him... and me... and getting through the next few weeks with minimal problems.  C'mon God, help us out.  :)

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