Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Private Swim Lessons (Update)

Well...  Monday went well.  Tuesday went really well.  Today - Not so much.  When I picked K up from school, I was told he had a rough day of not listening...  Him and I talked about it, he said he was tired, and that another little girl tattled on him.  He tried explaining to me what happened, but it was a mess of a story.  I just told him that "It's OK - let's just have a good time at lessons!"  He said "OK".  

He got in the water just fine... did a few of the 'things'... then all of the sudden, he's bawling.  Nothing happened.  He just wanted to go home.  The teacher did so well with him... impressed, especially since she doesn't know anything about him.  Anyway, I talked to him for a second and told him we were staying because that's what we do...  he continued to cry and whine.  Again, the teacher tried stuff and he did a few other things, but not much besides crying and rubbing his eyes.  

30 minutes later, we left.  He cried and cried on the way to the car... then says "I have to go to the bathroom bad!"  UH.  I asked him if that was why he was crying during class...  Yes.  Oh my goodness.  Then I had to step back and just try to talk with him...  we stopped at a QT so he could pee...  then he was quiet.  We picked sister up, then he fell asleep on the way home.   I got him inside and he asked if he could go to bed.  I told him he could rest for awhile.  That was at 5:15.  It's now 8:30 and he hasn't moved.  I tried waking him up 3 times to eat and just get up...  nothing.  I just was able to get a pair of shorts on him and a diaper.  So he's out... and hopefully for the night.  

So...  we have a tired kid.  And I hope to God that he does better at lessons tomorrow.  

I'm exhausted too. 

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