Monday, January 13, 2014


We had a nice weekend...  Saturday was our 'busy' day.  And Sunday was our quiet/lazy day.  Friday night we had some friends over; Heidi and Chris and their little boy, Brady.  Heidi provided supper, we did the sides, and it ended up perfect, and such a great night.  We just hung out and got caught up... and watched the kids play.  Kayson and Brady did really well together... and Cora just watched and giggled!

Saturday Kayson and I headed out early to get his hair cut.  We are so lucky that Lacey does this for us...  for the most part, Kayson is pretty good...  She goes fast, so I can't imagine how it would be if we had to sit there any longer than 15 minutes!  ha.  Then we headed home for about 20 minutes, then back out the door to Kayson's little girlfriend, Riley's, birthday party.  He told me that I could 'leave him there, he would be fine.'  So I did.  Ryan, Cora and I left him there.. we did a few errands, which was nice.  I took them home, then back to the party to pick up Kayson.  I got there a little early to watch and talk with a few other Mom's.  Now that I'm starting to know some of the Mom's I'm bummed that we won't be seeing them on a regular basis cuz Kindergarten will be starting sooner than we think!!!  I hope to keep in touch with a few of the kiddos and their families.

We headed home... quick lunch, then the kids napped.  We needed to head out the door by 4pm to get to Tate's birthday party.  Again, we had a great time... we just hung out, let the kids run and play, we ate a lot and celebrated with Tater.  He's such a busy little 3 year old (as of tomorrow!)  I just watch him and love him even more than last year.  All of the kids did really well... K and Tate are really starting to play great together... they 'pretended' a lot, which is awesome to see.  We stayed super late, but that's ok...  Cora crashed on the way home, but Kayson stayed awake... bedtime for him at 10:45!!!

Luckily, we all slept pretty well, and Kayson slept in.  Sunday was our lazy day...  a little cleaning and laundry for me, kids played pretty well and Ryan got the cars cleaned out!  I did my grocery shopping, which I hate more and more each week!  ha.  I told some friends that if I had all the money in the world - I would have a personal shopper!!!   

Pics from the last couple days.

I love how she looks at Kayson...  but also dread it too!  She's learning a lot!
Jumping off the couch.  Don't judge.
My sweet clean baby!

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