Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kayson - 5 Year Well Check

The famous 5 year well check was Tuesday morning.  I can't believe we were doing a 5 year check already - time just goes too fast.  This years was a little different.  The questions the doctor asks and expects from Kayson was just different.  He's bigger - he understands - he is expected to answer questions.  They also did a quick eye check.  Kayson hasn't ever been to the eye doctor before... and we will be taking him sometime this summer.  He didn't do terribly, but I felt like he didn't do great either.  It could have been that he's just never done it before (didn't know what to expect).  But we'll get his eyes checked for sure.  

The shots SUCKED.  I mean, stuff like that is just terrible - for the kid, for the parents, for the nurse.  No fun.  :(  He cried and cried - hard...  those darn skinny legs!  It does break my heart, even if we do try really hard to make him 'not a wuss'!  He limped around all day (at daycare) [yeah, nice]...  but by this morning, he was fine. 

Here are his stats:
Weight: 39 lbs. (35%)
Height: 44.5" (75%)

Dr. Beebe asked if he eats (since he only gained 2 pounds since his 4 year check).  I told her yes - I didn't have any concerns.  He goes through stages of not eating much, then we'll have 3 or 4 days, that he eats everything.  I'm not worried.  

Kayson is still waking up 'wet'.  He's still wearing diapers at bedtime (we tried Pull-Ups, but they are too darn expensive - and he was never dry in the morning).  So I asked the doctor about that.  She isn't concerned at all - her words were "Is he a hard sleeper?"  I personally think so.  He sleeps great... never hears Cora.  So... we wait.  She said we'd revisit it at his 6 year (if nothing has changed).  But she said it's very common.  

All in all - Kayson is a 'normal' 5 year old.  :)

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