Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oh What a Night

You name it, it happened tonight.  
Here's a timeline of how our evening went:
  1. Ryan's not feeling well - fighting a fever and a terrible cough.  I, now, have a terrible sinus headache.  It's pounding, no matter how much stuff I take.
  2. I picked up the kids...  I was told as I was walking to get Kayson, "Lice was found in K's pod."  Oooo ok...  yuk.  We've had this happen before, and it was handled just fine.  Daycare/staff know what to do, and they do the best they can.  But it still sucks.  I got K and all of his stuff, I mean ALL of his stuff, is in a white trash bag...  I had to dig his coat out to get that on him.  We head home.
  3. In the car home... Kayson starts crying.  He misses his Dad.  (He's not traveling...), so we talk about it... I asked if he had a bad day.  He's tired.  You can see it in his eyes.  He's got a cough, he's got a cold... he's just wiped out.  Tears falling.
  4. In the meantime, Cora is screaming - the.entire.way.home.  Aaaaa!  
  5. We get home - Cora is finally quiet (for about 4 minutes).  Kayson wants a snack, instantly.  I realize I forgot to bring home all of Cora's bottles from daycare!!!  and I need to start WASHING EVERYTHING!
  6. I strip Kayson down... everything goes in the washer - coat, hat, gloves, backpack, blankets, bear (that he took for an activity today), plus some other random things.  He's then upset that "there are bugs everywhere!" Aaaaa!  I talk to him about it, and he calms down.
  7. I start dinner... Cora begins to scream.  Again.  She's at the needy stage... or is it a stage?!  I leave the room, she cries.  I pass her and don't pick her up, she cries.  She literally cried for 20 minutes.  Finally rested for 15 minutes, Ryan assisted with that...  while I tried to eat the supper I made...  Kayson didn't want ANYTHING to eat.  He was excused from the table, and bathtime was done.  
  8. Ryan ate his food - probably cold.  I don't even know!
  9. Cora eats.
  10. Kayson plays with the water in my bathroom (he sometimes likes to do that)... well, he accidentally turned the water too hot, burning himself.  (not terribly, but enough to know that it hurt him.)  More tears.  Parents of the year right here.
  11. Cora screams some more... Ryan reads to her, she calms down, then is happy.  (WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!??!)
  12. I read to Kayson - tuck him in - he's asleep by 8:00.  No fighting, no getting out of bed, asleep... and I pray it's for the entire night.  He needs his sleep.
  13. Cora is still happy...  we talk for a bit, she does her raspberry thing, pulls at her feet and talks to them...  and then she starts to fuss again.  (I walked away!)  We gave her some oatmeal, and a small bottle... and she was out.  
  14. Asleep kids...  and I'm still washing crap!  I'm going to bed the second I have those items folded in the dryer!
  15. and I itch!!!!  Aaaaa!

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