Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kayson's Funnies

Kayson has been pretty much cracking us up lately.  For one, he talks and talks... and TALKS SOME MORE.  My goodness.  It's funny to think that we sometimes get annoyed with him talking so much, but some of the things he says is just plain funny. 

Here are some examples (some funny, some just sweet too):
  1. Tonight - he says to Ryan, "You can sleep with me tonight Daddy."  Well isn't that nice?
  2. We got a phone book (on our front stoop), Kayson wanted to know what it was... and was completely intrigued by it.  He probably would have flipped through those pages forever!
  3. As Cora is pissed, he says "What is her problem?!"
  4. Sunday evening we were having quiet time.  It included doing some coloring in an activity book.  There's a page that had a grid on it... so we just colored random colors in the boxes, then he said he was going to pretend it was a calendar.  He started to put days to each box, etc.  He then says to Ryan (as he points to one of the boxes), "This is the day that you will take a shower with me."  Ryan asked what day that was, and Kayson said "Wednesday."  Tonight, before bath or shower, Kayson asked what day it was and we told him...  he walked right to that activity book and opened to that page and said, "Daddy - it's the day to take a shower with me!"  Too damn smart. 
  5. He has asked one of his favorite teachers at daycare if she has a car seat so he can go home with her so he can meet her cat. 
  6. We were out for dinner last weekend, and I was putting the left overs in a box and Kayson says to me, "You can do it Mom!"... meaning, I can eat those left overs!  
  7. He's been licking/sucking on his bottom lip...  it's become a bad habit (I had the same bad habit when I was little), and it's red and just sore.  He has daycare pictures tomorrow...  we've been soaking it with chap-stick/Vaseline and it seems to help, but just gets red again.  I told him it's pretty important that he doesn't have the red part for picture day.  He says with his big blue eyes, "Mom, I'll try really hard... and I'm sorry."  I mean, really... how sweet is that. :)

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