Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's Over

As of tomorrow morning, my maternity leave is over.  Done.  
This brings tears to my eyes... as it has for the past couple weeks just thinking about it.  But now it's here.  I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I have to take my beautiful daughter to daycare for 9 hours a day.  

My maternity leave has been amazing...  awesome... perfect.  Ryan and I have been more than blessed with two beautiful, healthy children and the ability for me to stay home for 12 weeks with them.  I'm more than thankful...  I have no words to explain how I'm feeling. 

Over the past 12 weeks, we've done a lot.  
Cora and I have bonded more than I can express.  She's an amazing little girl.  I can honestly say that this time around (second baby), I was WAY MORE RELAXED.  I knew what to do, what to try, etc.  The first 6 weeks we were tired...  I was tired.  (I'm still tired, but it's different now).  She had her first cold/cough.  She started smiling and cooing (which is the best thing ever!)

Along with being with my baby every day, I also got the ability to really catch up with some good friends.  We got out from time to time and had lunch dates...  which was nice.  We spent a lot of time with Lacey & Laityn...  which was awesome.  Having the ability to see each other weekly for about 10 weeks was amazing.  We were very lucky to be able to have that this time around.

Kayson has adjusted well to being a big brother.  Sure, we had our rough moments, especially at the beginning, but slowly we've got a very happy little boy who loves his baby sister.  It's awesome to see them interact (thus far).  Cora stares and stares at Kayson - it's so sweet.  And Kayson says good morning to her every day and sometimes kisses her good night.  I hope they will be friends when they grow up and love each other unconditionally. 

With that, I'm going to stop babbling...  I'm sad, anxious, nervous and overwhelmed today.  I pray that tomorrow goes well for all of us. 

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