Wednesday, March 16, 2011

He makes me smile

I'm sick... again. I mean, really? For the last several months, I feel like we (as a family) haven't been able to catch a break when it comes to being sick. I've got the sinus infection thing going on... full head, full ears, full nose. It's just plain gross. I went to the doctor today and she looked in my ears and said "Can you even hear?"; she looked in my throat and said "That's why you are coughing... it's just draining."; and looked in my nose and said "WOW!" To say the least, I just haven't felt good lately. I'm worn out... and ready to be better - maybe ready for nice weather all the time, that type of thing.

Anyway, after staying home all day - laying around, sleeping... coughing, blowing my nose... I picked up Kayson from daycare. Seeing him just makes me smile. We got home and he wanted to play outside... it was rather windy, but we did... we ended up walking up the street a little... he talked and talked about "the workers building houses... excavators working, digging dirt... it's windy, blow my hair - messy!" He just amazes me... makes me smile and makes me forget that I don't feel well.

We got out his little basketball hoop and he's been doing so well and 'shooting hoops' - he'll put the ball down on the ground and say "Dribble Dribble", then he'll "Shoot" -- and most of the time he makes it and he yells "YEA!" and claps. It's so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. I saw him out my kitchen window! He was making shots left and right! :) It was windy!!!!! That was a windy wagon ride we took!
    Feel better!
