Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Are you a neat sleeper or a messy sleeper?
Well, I THINK I'm a neat sleeper - I mean, I can toss and turn, but I don't 'jack' up the sheets/blankets too much... I don't think anyways! I do know when Ryan is gone, I honestly don't think I move some nights. It's funny to wake to the sheets/blankets being hardly touched. ha.

2. Fill in the blank: I wish I was more ______________.
Prettier. Thinner. Smarter. Talented. This is a hard question.

3. What is something you had wished you had been warned about?
How expensive life in general is. Unless you make a ton of money, life sometimes is tough when it comes to money. I feel that Ryan and I do REALLY well and are smart when it comes to purchasing things, etc... but I still feel overwhelmed at times when things that you sometimes really need are very expensive. That stinks!

4. What is the best thing you've found at a garage sale/flea market?
Last year JeanAnn purchased me a really cool old wooden chair for my photography - I believe she got that at a garage sale. And also last year, I purchased a cool red step stool for my photography - and I got that at a flea market.

5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be?
Hmmm... if it was 6 pm, I would say ham balls and cheesy hashbrowns. Yum. But since it's before 8 am, I would say some eggs, bacon and toast.

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