Monday, March 21, 2011


Here are some conversations Kayson and I had at the dinner table tonight:
K: Logan poop in his diaper...
Me: Ok... Logan can poop in his diaper.
K: Logan poop diaper outside coat...
Me: Did Logan poop outside when you were playing today?
K: On his coat.
Me: Really!?! I bet that was a mess. hahaha... As I am laughing, Kayson is laughing too!

K: Daddy traveling.
Me: Yep honey... he'll be home soon.
K: Mommy sit Daddy's chair.
Me: I'll sit in Daddy's chair tonight since he's not home. Is that ok?
K: Yah, Kayson sit in highchair... my spot!!!

Here are some random things that were said throughout the night tonight:
Whenever the dogs bark, Kayson yells: NO BARK PUPPIES!!!

He was mowing, and I told him "Straight lines Kayson."
As he's mowing, he says "Straight lines Mom."
Notice --- Mom, not Momma. Oh lord!

K: Workers sleep.
Me: Who are the workers?
K: As he points outside - build houses in back yard.
Me: Yep, the workers aren't working now cuz it's dark out... they'll start up again tomorrow.
K: Workers sleepin. Moon out... Shhh!

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