Friday, December 3, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. What's on the top of your holiday wish list and why?
Gosh... nothing is on the my list for this year - nothing of importance really. If I had to choose and money wasn't an option (as we've talked before) - I would choose a new SLR and/or a new car! ha. Pick one. ;)

2. What is your favorite Christmas gift from the past?
I remember when we got a VHS!!! Santa always hid our gifts under the pool table... for some reason (we had a fireplace and I always wondered why the gifts weren't by the fireplace!)... but my sisters and I opened a VHS and we were SO EXCITED!!

3. If you had to do life over again, what would you be when you grow up?
An architect for sure. I would love to plan and design homes... I remember as a kid buying those home books with thousands of home plans in them... I would look and look and start creating my own on paper... loved it!

4. When do you put up your tree?
The weekend after Thanksgiving - whether it's that Friday or that weekend, it goes up at that time. And I love it - it's so pretty!! ;)

5. What is your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the food - the turkey, the mashed tators, the pies... and it's just a really great time to be with family and be so very thankful of what we have.

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