Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tubes - Part 1

Kayson's ear tube surgery was this morning.

We arrived at the surgery center this morning at 6 am. Early and man, it was cold out! We filled out paperwork, signed tons of papers, paid a large bill and waited... We then were moved to a 'pre-op' room... a small room for us and Kayson - to be happy in for over 30 minutes. Hmmm... this could be interesting! He did well... we talked about lots of things, we read books, Kayson took my shoes off several times - trying to 'ties' them! The 30 minutes went quickly.

Then... it started. The anesthesiologist and nurse came in to briefly talk with us... and swooped Kayson away. Yes, he was doing everything in his power to get away from that nurse... crying and screaming. Wow - that hurts a parent. Ryan and I then moved back to the waiting room... and had a short wait of about 7 minutes. We met with the doctor then - we were told the surgery went fine, however, he was very concerned about the amount of puss that is in Kayson's inner ears. He's concerned that the tubes will need to do their job even more than normal in order to not get clogged by that puss. Typically the doc doesn't want to have a follow-up visit for a month - we get to see him next week. I'm sure it'll be fine (at least I hope!), but Kayson's in good hands... Following the consult with the doc, we waited some more, then we could see Kayson. He was crying and full of the shakes and just not himself... he was then doing some screaming and arching of the back - that type of thing... Ryan got instructions from the discharge nurse, while I tried to calm Kayson... which was very difficult. We 'recovered' for about 10 minutes... then headed home...

Once home, we thought he would just be ready for rest... he wasn't - he was still out of sorts and just upset. Didn't want anything but to be held... after about an hour - he finally fell asleep in my arms (which was so sweet). He's resting now... Ryan's at work... I'm blogging, checking work email... and will now rest a little too.

Tubes - Part 2 will come later.

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