Friday, September 3, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Who is in charge of the remote at your house?
It's a mix... but probably Ryan is in charge 90% of the time. ;) I typically don't mind what he's picking to watch - except those weird, old movies he'll pick on a Saturday afternoon.

2. What was the first car you owned?
First car I "OWNED" is the car I'm driving... bought and paid for.
First car I drove and was considered mine was a 1978 Olds Cutlass Supreme. It was brown, I called it the "Terd".

3. Do you fold your laundry as soon as it's dry or does it sit in a pile until you need that white Tshirt?
It's folded right away... and put away right away.

4. Favorite flower and why?
Gerber Daisy. When Ryan and I were first dating that was the flower of choice for him... he bought me several and I fell in love with them... simply because he loved them.

5. If you could have any color eyes, what would you choose and why?
Probably blue like my sons... They are beautiful and people draw to them and always say how beautiful they are. I have hazel eyes... boring. ;)

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