Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Sometimes when I re-read the blog, I realize that I don't really give updates on Kayson.  Bad Mom?  No (or at least that's what I'm going to tell myself!) 

Kayson is my sweet boy, when he wants to be.  :)  He's 4 1/2 (almost) and he challenges us every day in some way ...  usually a different way, each day.  :)  He's my first born and will always be "my baby" and Ryan's "Buddy or Little Boy"... We love him so darn much. 

He's really starting to grow up.  (Some nights we still think he acts like a baby, but he's not - he's just whining!!)    But he's changing - he's growing to be a big kid.  He's really showing interest in different things...  forming his own little personality. He's a technology type of kid - he loves the iPad, loves movies, those types of things.  He loves to be involved in things - whatever it is, it doesn't really matter.  He wants to help with anything and everything too.  This is something we are trying to do more of at home...  we've been told that if he's bored at daycare, he follows the teachers around asking for things to do.  So my kid.  :)  So we are giving him more 'chores' to do at home... and so far, so good.  Some of them are little like - helping with garbage on Thursday nights, helping unload the dishwasher (silverware mostly), putting the napkins out for supper time, those types of things.  I'm sure he would take more... and I may start enlisting him in cleaning something!  :)  But either way, he's showing us that he wants to help and wants to stay busy.  Which I love.  I hate to sit, and be bored, so he definitely gets that from me. 

Everyone says he's SO TALL.  I think he is too (and SKINNY) - I believe he had grown over 3 inches from age 3 to 4, and I bet he's already grown another 1 inch so far this year...  Pants pretty much don't fit him.  I guess it's a good thing it's summer time!!

I've spoke of this before - he has been saying words that we don't like - I've decided that's just the way it's going to be.  He's going to pick up things from others for the rest of his life, we just have to be consistent and remind him that those words aren't used at our house.  It seems to work... for now! 

Another thing he's been throwing out at me is - "why are the neighbors still outside?" (When it's 8 pm - still light out - and some of the kids are still playing.) Well - we have rules at our house, and our rules are 'bedtime is at 8 pm'.  He doesn't like that very much, but I guess it's a lesson for him.  Every family has different rules.

Kayson still is not very independent.  At all actually.  I believe that Ryan and I are to blame for this.  When it was just him with us - as a baby... we were on the floor with him ALL THE TIME.  We played everything with him.  It's what we did.  So when we ask him to play alone or go to his room for quiet time or to color - he wants one of us to be with him.  I'm torn on this - Of course I didn't want to miss out on ANYthing with him as a baby, but now I want him to do things on his own...  tough one.  I'm curious to see how Cora does - so far, she will play with her toys for a long time by herself. 

He's a good kid... smart, funny and cares for his Mommy, Daddy and sister... that's what's important.  I love him so much.

1 comment:

  1. There so beautiful!!!, everything your saying about Kayson, I'm seeing in Gavin so its must be all natural. Thanks for the blog I'll definitely keep up with your now.
