Sunday, May 19, 2013


I have oooed and awwwed over my oldest neice several times lately...  and I should.  I'm her god mother and proud to be her Aunt.  Ashley graduated today from high school.  It was awesome to watch her.  

I'll start with the beginning of our weekend...

I took Friday off from work to have a garage sale.  Wow - those damn things are a lot of work!!  But I did well - made about $375.  Not too shabby.  I still have a pile of crap downstairs... so my goal is to go through that stuff and sack it up for Goodwill. If it didn't sell the second time, it's just not going to sell! 

Saturday morning we opened the garage sale for just a couple hours...  it's not worth it!  We've heard different opinions about Saturday's... so now we know to just do Fridays...  or even open on a Thursday night.  Next time.  :)

Anyway, we then had soccer...  Ryan and I are realizing that Kayson's strong suit is NOT soccer.  ha.  He's not aggressive enough.  Which, obviously, is fine... and I'm glad we are learning that.  (Maybe it'll change, maybe it won't!)  So it was a long hour for Mommy and Daddy...  I think there's just one more week.   ha.  

We got packed up and headed up to Clarion.  We hit up Hope's boyfriend's graduation open house...  nice kid that Logan is.  And Kayson just loves him!!!  We hung out there for awhile...  and since it was at the golf course, Logan took K for a ride in a golf cart.  Lucky little boy.  :)  We had dinner at the farm, and were just going to 'relax' (just us) and then Ash, Lindsay & Lil Ryan came out to play.  We went for a long walk to the park near by...  Kayson played some baseball with Papa, it was a great time.  They are such great kids...  

We got the kids to bed late... and none of us really slept very well...  well, maybe K did.  Cora made lots of noises throughout the night...  I slept on the terrible hide-a-bed... and I think Ryan was kicked a lot by Kayson!  Plus there was a terrible storm that came through around 4 am and that thunder shook that old farm house!!  

Anyway...  today we went to church... then hung out at Tricia's after church and until the graduation ceremony.  Again, so proud of Ash...  and all of her friends too.  It's nice to see her happy and we can only hope that she'll continue to be happy when she's at college pursuing her future. After the ceremony, we headed back home...  I've said this before - being gone from home is a lot of work.  I was pooped!  Ryan tried to mow when we got home...  but the storm came through, so he got about half done!!  We just hung out tonight... and got the kids to bed at a decent time.  

Here are a few recent pictures...  from last week and the weekend.  
Trying her sun hat.  :)
My babies and me.
Hot and sweaty Mommy & Kayson!
So cute.
Proud Aunts with Ashley
Logan, Hope & Ash

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