Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kayson. And other stuff.

  • "Do you want to play in my sandbox Whitney?"  He says this to his teacher, Miss Whitney.  She says back to him, "Are you asking me out Kayson?"  Too TOO cute!
  • We have played outside more in the past 4 days than we have in a long time...  it's been great.  The fresh air rocks!  
  • We are seeing Kayson stutter more and more...  and have realized it's when we ask him to ask us for something...  especially when he is asking Daddy for something...  we can't help but laugh, as his mouth can't keep up with his brain...  or at least that's what I hope it is!
  • We had a 'picnic' tonight for dinner - at the patio set outside on our deck.  It was a beautiful day/night.  Kayson loved the picnic!
  • Kayson is infatuated with our neighbor, Tim.  He asks about Tim a lot - wants to see Tim.  It's hilarious!  
  • I have a ton of pictures lately, but our laptop was 'out of order' for a couple days, so I'll upload those this coming weekend. 
  • Our rock in the landscaping is all done... and simply 'rocks'!  Now will we move onto the backyard??  Not sure if that will happen this summer or wait til next spring.
  • Kayson is getting his 2nd set of ear tubes this coming Friday.  We've had numerous ear infections since December, and the results are to remove the tubes now, clean his ears out and put new ones in.  I pray this helps and we can get through the summer and fall too.  Keep us in your thoughts please.

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