Thursday, February 28, 2019

Cora - Sick update

Well... it's been a long ass week, and it's only Wednesday.
So... update on Cora.

Monday - stayed home with Ryan.  No fever all day, acted fine.
Monday night acted fine - slept great...  woke and was happy.  Ate breakfast, no fever...

Tuesday - she went to school.  Apparently had a great day. She said she felt good, no fever still... and even the teacher told me she had a good day.

Tuesday night - around 5:00, Cora was talking with me, then all of the sudden - she was pale, and said she didn't feel well.  She threw up a little... mostly flem.  She was ghostly white, and just said she didn't feel good. 

We drove to urgent care (as at that point, I had no idea what was going on...).  Unfortunately, the wait there was over an hour and a half...  we did sit for awhile.  She perked up, said she felt fine and wanted to go home.  She cried and just was all upset.  I talked with my sister through all of this --- she said it's got to be a virus, and that there's no reason to wait that long at urgent care - GO HOME.  So... I was convinced... we went home.

Cora honestly seemed fine - she was tired, but she was hungry.  She ate some crackers.  She perked up.  Still no fever.  We did bath, and just took it easy... then she ate some bland cereal.  She slept awesome.

Wednesday - woke with no fever, and seemed good.  She started to get dressed, then again - turned all pale, and said she didn't feel good.  She dry-heaved a little...  and just was so out of it.  Pale, lethargic. 

So... home we stayed.

Within 40 minutes of all of that... she seemed good.  Had color, wanted to go to school...  cried cuz she wanted to go to school!!!  What a morning!

We saw the doctor this morning... and the results are:
Viral.  (which we figured), but I guess having an answer helps.
Dr. Beebe thinks its a virus called Adenovirus. 
We wait it out... as of now (Wednesday afternoon), she's good. 

Wednesday night however, we took a huge turn for the worse.  Super high fever, more dry heaving and really lethargic.  I got worried.  Poor kid.  We just had a rough evening... however, she slept like a champ.  More to come...

I hate viruses!
Few pics of her over the past couple days...
breaks my heart.

then she's grinning under there.  ha.
big girl - 51 lbs; 4' 1"

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