Monday, February 25, 2019

Weekend/Cora - Fever

Kids didn't have school - Teacher Service day.  They went to BTB - went to a movie, which was fun for them.  I picked them up at normal time... home we went.

Friday night - Kayson had baseball practice, then afterwards we met up with Hummel's for supper.  Figured the boys were out and would need to be fed - so we met up.  It was late - the girls were 'over it', but overall it was fine.  Home we went.

Cora had a dance clinic to attend - the Waukee Dance Team held a winter clinic.  3 hours!  I dropped her off... and went home and did a ton of stuff around the house.  Got groceries too.  It was a nice morning... and day - we just kept busy and I was productive.

We grabbed lunch after Cora's parent-teacher conference. Then went to Scheel's - both Kayson and I needed tennis shoes!  Desperately!  Well - Kayson much  more than me, he literally had a hole in the front of his!  ha.  We messed around at Scheel's for awhile, then back home.  Our afternoon was good... did more cleaning and laundry.

No church again.  3 Sunday's in a row - due to terrible weather.  Most of the state had blizzard weather... awful!!!  So we fiddled around at home all day...  it kind of got to be a long day as I was so productive on Saturday!!  We did go through some of Ryan's clothes, which was good...  getting rid of some old suits, ties and dress shirts.  It always feels good to clean that stuff up!!

By Sunday afternoon we were bored!  Cora was acting a little different... really mellow - yawning a lot.  Late afternoon I checked her temp - low grade temp of about 99.8.  I put more oils on, and did give her some Tylenol.  Within 30 minutes she was bouncing off the walls.  Obviously the meds kicked in.  ha.  But she soon was back to being quiet... and somber.  Poor kid...  must have a virus.  She went to bed early - and slept all night long...  fever still lingered at about 99.5 Monday morning... so she stayed home with Ryan.

I just hope it's not the start of Influenza B. (2 years ago she had it) She has no symptoms except the fever (as of now)...  We'll see how tonight goes, and then if it continues - we'll go to the doc to ensure it's not an ear infection or strep, or influenza.  I pray this is short lived!!!!!   So bummed. 
She painted Sunday...  before the temp showed it's face.
We got our fireplace fixed - kids sat in front of it for a bit!

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