Monday, February 11, 2019


Oh the weekend is over already...  yuk.  and more snow and cold are on the way!!  double yuk!
K had baseball.  Cora and I hung out.  We made muffins and bread... and just fiddled around.  Nothing too exciting!

Kids were both up early.  And they seemed so tired Friday night, I was for sure they would sleep past 7.  Nope.  I layed around for awhile too...  Ryan went out to church.  And the kids and I did an errand, and they complained the whole time.  Guess that's why I don't take them anywhere.  Anyway, Kayson is working on a big project for school - called the "Hall of Fame", he is researching Thomas Jefferson.  He's doing a pretty good job, from what we can tell...  and one of the last things is putting together a big poster board.  I picked up a board... and he's been working on that a little.  He's definitely not as interested as I'd like him to be...  but we pushed through and got a good chunk of it done. 

Saturday afternoon we just hung out...  really not much.  Cora did some heart art, which is fun.  She loves stuff like that...   Then Kayson went over to a friends house, Carter's.  Their plan was to go to the UNI/Drake basketball game, but in the end it didn't work out - the Mom that took them said she drove around for over 40 minutes trying to find a parking spot... and then it was getting too late...  bummer.  They ended up just hanging out at their house - Fortnite and games.  I'm guessing K was in heaven...  late night and early Sunday morning for him. 

Saturday night Hope and Logan were bored, so they came over and were bored with us.  :)  Of course Cora kept them entertained (or maybe annoyed them), she's been a big chore lately!  But we grabbed supper out, and then just hung out a little.  It was nice to see them.

We headed out to church - picked Kayson up... and then were informed we were cancelling church due to the weather/roads/parking lot not being plowed.  Bummer.  So back home we went...  it was weird, can't remember when we've had a Sunday morning at home!  We just hung out... and it was nice.  Ryan did some work at the church, so he wasn't even home...  so no different for him! 

The kids played outside in the snow for a bit.  The weather was decent, not too windy, so it was good for them to get out!

K had hitting practice... which I heard they hit A LOT.  I think he was tired, but it's good for him.  I hope he wants to get better and have fun!

Then a completely random Sunday night activity - we went out for supper.  We hardly ever do that... but we met up with old friends and their boys...  had a good hour out, and then back home. 

Cora has been a challenge lately - more than normal it seems.  She was in bed at 7:30, and asleep within minutes.  SO... hopeful that helps with some of her challenges.  :)  K was asleep about 8:30, so he needed some extra sleep too.

Testing them out!

so fancy for church, then it was cancelled!  Will wear it next week!

the only pic of Kayson!

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