Sunday, March 29, 2015

Iowa Energy Game

We had a good weekend...
Saturday we did random stuff around the house, played, and wiped Cora's nose at least 1,000 times.  She's got a snotty nose and a cough (as of this morning).  She's definitely not herself, but she's also in good spirits.  She struggled at bedtime tonight, which is sad...

Anyway, Saturday night we were going to have some friends/neighbors over, but their kids weren't feeling all that well, so we are taking a rain check.  So Ryan was able to get his company's season tickets to the Iowa Energy game for Saturday night.  We did dinner at home, then headed downtown.  The kids really enjoyed it.  Kayson LOVED it, I think. He watched really well, asked questions and smiled a lot.  Cora did pretty well - she got pretty antsy, and wasn't able to really sit in the seats very well.  We were literally in the front row (right behind the stats people, etc.)... and the seats were the folding type ones - she would have fallen through those in seconds, so she was pretty hesitant with them...  But anyway, she sat on the ground a lot, played with the iPad a bit, but then also paid attention when the dancers were out on the floor.  During halftime, they had a cool show of some stunt ballers, which Kayson LOVED.  Over all, it was really good.  It was something different to do, and we'll do it again, for sure.

Today we slept in... Cora actually slept 12 hours, which is clear that she's not feeling all that great.  But we just played this morning, went out for lunch...  then really nothing this afternoon.  I ran to the mall to get a few things, then did laundry tonight.

It's been a good day and weekend...  I hate to see it end actually.  I'm just thinking about all the meetings I have tomorrow!!!

Here's the pictures from the basketball game.

We took a break at the top...  before heading home.
The boys and "Surge"

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