Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What? Tomorrow is Thursday Already!?

I should NOT be complaining that tomorrow is Thursday... but seriously, where has the week gone?? 

We haven't been abnormally busy this week... just the same stuff...  you know - get home at 5:30, pick up, wash bottles, get supper ready, feed Cora, feed my family, play for a bit, baths (every other night for both kids), quiet time, bed time for kids.  Those 2.5 hours literally fly by.  Why is that?  Why do those couple hours have to go so fast?!?!  (I mean, sometimes I want them to - depending on Kayson's attitude!!!), but most of the time, I want more time with my kids...  especially snuggles with Cora.  Oh she is so damn sweet.


Tuesday it was confirmed that Cora's ears were 'cleared up'.  Good.  I just hope they stay cleared up! 

This afternoon I got my hair cut... was nice to catch up with Lacey... and relax a little.  Much needed.

Tonight I had a dinner with my volleyball girls... planned for months...  it was a nice time, and I'm glad it worked out that Ryan was home.  One complaint - we got there right at 6 pm... not busy, not one person waiting... and we were going to have 6 people.  I plainly see 4 tables empty, along with 2 booths... and we were told "about 40 minute wait".  WHAT?!?!  I was irritated...  not only do I get antsy just being away from home (even if I do have a great time with my friends... I still feel a little guilty going out and missing time with my kids).  I know... probably silly, but that's the way I roll.  Anyway...  I said to the hostess - "What...?  What's wrong with those tables?" - pointing to the 4 empty tables...  She says "We've just gotten slammed!"  What?  Really?  UGH... I just dropped it... and we waited... the 40 minutes.  Stupid.  My only guess is they were short a server...  but whatever.  ha. 

Um... what else...

We are actually going to take a vacation this year.  I'm excited!!!  My cousin from Arizona is getting married... we NEVER see that side of my family, so it's a really good excuse to go down there for a couple of days.  We now need to get some of the details panned out and we'll be set... 

That's all I've got! 
Now I just hope that tomorrow and Friday go quick... I'm looking forward to a great weekend (with great weather says the weather man!)

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