Saturday, April 6, 2013

Such a FUN DAY

It's 11:00 pm... and we are wiped out!!!  We've had an absolutely awesome day!!
Today was Kayson's first soccer league practice/game/not sure what we really call it!  But it was fun!  My sister, Trish, and her family came down for the day (staying over night too), and I'm so glad they came.  We had SO much fun!!

Kayson did great...  Ryan got him his shin guards Thursday night, and he wore them for about 2 hours!!  He was excited to wear them again this morning.  I was thrilled!  We got to 'practice' and he was off...  instantly being social with the few kids he knew (from his daycare) and with the Coach.  (He knows the coach from daycare as well).  I know this was a HUGE benefit, because if he didn't know those people, it would have been a different story, I'm sure.  

Anyway, after some warming up... they played.  He did pretty darn good... he went after the ball, but I'm realizing he's not very aggressive!  ha.  But that's ok!!  There were a couple girls that were bigger than the rest of the kids, and they were ALL ABOUT THE GOALS!  It was awesome!  I can only hope K will do the same thing soon!  :)

An hour practice went by pretty quickly...  it was just fun hooting and hollering for him.  :)  My kid is growing up, and it's a lot of fun to watch.  My sister and her family had a blast watching him too... that means a lot.  (I think we got a little rowdy at some points!)  

Our little soccer player!!

Warming up!
Uncle Greg keeping Cora warm!!

After soccer, we enjoyed lunch at El Rodeo... Kayson was a little garbage disposal!  Eating everything!  Hilarious!  He was starving!  Then a nap for him.  Cora and I met my sister and her family at the mall to walk and shop a little.  Cora is such a good girl...  just coo-ed and watched everything.  It was a very enjoyable couple hours.  

Tonight we met up with them again at their hotel...  ordered pizza in and let the kids swim.  Again, an absolute blast.  I'm so blessed that Ryan gets along with my sister and Greg... and the girls...  Lots of laughs!

Cora got to 'swim' for the first time.  She wasn't quite sure what to do at first, but she did eventually do some splashing and smiling.  Then the yawning started!!  We fed her and she was OUT!  Hard, busy day for a baby!

My babies!
Hope just sat with her for a long time... so nice.
Hawkeye suits!!!  :)
Fun with Logan (Hope's boyfriend)

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