Sunday, April 21, 2013

Prom 2013 & Weekend Update

Another weekend is gone...  makes me sad.  Actually, really irritates me!  Sunday's make me depressed...  knowing I have to get up by 6 and go to work tomorrow!!!  BOO HISS!

Anyway, our weekend was busy...  or hectic, or full!!  
Saturday Cora turned 8 months old.  Seriously.  We did our 'sticker' pictures... and I'm realizing each month gets a little harder to take her picture.  She just won't sit still.  Makes me giggle.  We had soccer again...  and it was actually a beautiful morning.  Not too chilly, the sun was nice and warm...  I was pleased!!  Kayson did well...  but this week he thought he had his 'swords' with him and was using them for the game.  Nice.  We also realized that he likes to space off...  oh, Kayson.  :)  oh well, this is good experience for him and he really does look forward to going.  I think that's all that matters at this point!

We had lunch, then headed up to Clarion.  We were lucky enough to see my two oldest nieces go to Prom.  Ashley - to her Senior Prom, and Hope was invited by her boyfriend.  It was so sweet seeing those girls SO DOLLED UP.  I mean, wow - it's like they are prepping for a wedding!  ha.  How things have changed!  :)  Anyway, lots of pictures were taken... and lots of family time.  

Today we skipped church...  just hung out at the farm in the morning, then had lunch at Tricia's with everyone... even the girls!  They were up, showered... and tired!  :)  Funny.  Then we headed out...  we were ALL tired and crabby.  :)  Cora was a little out of sorts...  it's a lot to be away from home for her I think.  She just was needy... and tired.  You are all thinking - 'she'll sleep in the car on the way home...'.  That would have been the ideal plan... but now that she's in the big car seat... it pretty much sucks.  She just can't get comfortable enough to fall asleep...  I've tried a little neck pillow - doesn't work worth a crap...  pacifier falls out of her mouth and she gets pissed...  needless to say, it was a long 1.5 hours in the car.  Big bummer.  I guess we can just hope that she eventually gets used to this and is able to sleep...  otherwise, trips to our parents' are going to be brutal!  

Anyway, being Sunday night... I'm exhausted.  My allergies were in an uproar today...  so I've taken some meds... makes me feel loopy... blah.  

Ok...  moving on to the pictures...  I'm proud to be these girls' Aunt!  :)

Ash's favorite boy.
Hope & Logan
They both love Kayson so much.
Proud Grandparents
Ash with date, Colton & best friend, Kaitlyn

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